Manifesting our dream projects for 2024

Steinh Studio
Jan 1, 2024

One of our goals with our studio is to work on projects that we feel passionate about with people who are equally passionate about what they do. While we’re happy to take on a pretty wide variety of clients, there are certain goals, industries, and vibes that just get us excited to design. With that in mind, we’re sending our dream project ideas out into the universe with the hope that 2024 will bring them our way.

Brands looking to share their story

We love a good story, but what we love even more is telling that story through good design. We want to work with people who have some lore behind their business and want to make sure it shines through in the brand we craft together. Maybe it’s a restaurant or bakery where the recipes have been passed down through generations, or someone looking to be a changemaker in their industry and solve a problem that they themselves have faced. Whatever the story, we want to help share it with the world and forge that emotional, human connection between brand and audience.

Brands doing good in the world

For us, helping people is the cornerstone of design, so who better to work with than businesses that also want to help people? Nonprofit organizations, activist groups, and brands concerned with the health of our planet are all right up our alley. Have a product or service that gives back in some way? Let’s get it noticed! Want to make your website and digital assets as accessible as possible? We’ve got you! If you’ve got a cause that you’re passionate about, we want to work together to figure out how we can use design to best support you and those you help.

Brands that want to push boundaries

Being creative people, we’re naturally drawn to brands that bring something a little different to the table. Brands that have a bit of spunk, a quirky personality, or a radical take on their industry. Coming from corporate backgrounds, we’ve been locked into pretty rigid design systems for a while, so we’re looking to work with people who want to play and colour outside the lines just as much as we do. Whether you want to create a brand that’s bold in look, bold in personality, or a bit of both, let’s seek out the weird and wonderful together.

Brands that are driven by design

Of course, we love to help clients work through their pain points and develop brand strategy, but the cherry on top of a great project is an end result that just looks good. Don’t have a particular visual direction in mind? Here are some moodboards we’d love the chance to bring to life!

A brand that’s bold in colour and font choices but simple in illustration style and execution. We picture this working for a non-profit, a tech company, or for consumer packaged goods.

We’re really interested in doing some fun, expressive, custom typography for a brand. Restaurants, drink packaging, and products geared toward a young audience are all instances where we could picture this vibe working well.

Doing some retro-inspired badge design would be a dream come true! This style is pretty versatile, but an outdoorsy lifestyle brand or a mom-and-pop shop are projects we’d love to go this route with.

Hello, 2024

2023 was a big year for us—we quit our jobs, planned and launched our studio, took on some great projects, and met a ton of interesting people along the way. Now, we’re not saying 2024 is going to be even better, but we’re definitely trying to manifest it. So cheers to pushing ourselves out of our creative comfort zone, seeking out opportunities wherever we can, and making more cool shit together—it’s going to be a great year.

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